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Americans Need Great Infrastructure to Live In

Earlier today, the New York Times unveiled analysis of a package of infrastructure spending that would, among other things, invest in "advanced training for millions of workers and 1 million affordable and energy-efficient housing units. "

ECA sees the effects of deferred maintenance every day. Crew members and auditors walk into homes and realize it isn't a place they would live. Children growing up affected by pests, molds and mildews grow up sicker, more likely to be sensitized to asthma triggers and more likely to have attacks that take them out of school.

At the same time, America is still recovering from the 2008 housing bubble and its scar on the construction workforce. With positions going unfilled for over 45 days regularly, the issues is qualified workers living where the need is. On ECA's side, we and other agencies in this business are regularly looking for new qualified subcontractors to handle work.

To counteract the losses in the construction workforce and in affordable housing production, before and through COVID-19, only a historic federal investment fits the bill. Simultaneous expansion of affordable housing production and massive job creation across industries can narrow the affordable housing gap while also addressing nationally deferred maintenance on public infrastructure.


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